When Renée asked me to join a boxed-set collaboration, I must admit I felt trepidation at first, but when I saw the lineup of writers, I was more than happy to participate; I was honored. All four writers with whom I would be collaborating are successful, prolific, and talented writers. What writer would not join up with such a group?

This week I will be featuring one of my co-writers each day, Tuesday the 28th through Halloween Night. It’s a privilege to for me, as well as you, to get to know these writers as individuals. Too often we are caught up in the enjoyment of reading a novel that we forget there is a hardworking, dedicated writer behind the characters and plots and twists and turns.

First this week I am so pleased to introduce the lady herself, Renée Pawlish!

R.S.: So, tell me a little about YOU!

RP: I’ve told stories since I was a kid, and even won a county award for a short story I write in high school. I wrote my first novel right out of grad school. I’ve always wanted to ‘make my living’ writing, and although I’m not there yet, I’m on my way and loving the journey. I have two cats, Hugo and Harley, who are adorable – Hugo likes to sit on my papers while I write, which cracks me up. Both cats make me remember not to take life too seriously.

I love to hike, ride my bike, play guitar, and read (of course). When I’m on the trail I usually can work out what I’m going to write next. I also chase ballplayers for autographs (I have a huge memorabilia collections), and I love football.

R.S.: Do you write under your real name (or some form of it it, like R.S. Guthrie, the initials being my first and middle names) or a pen name? If a pen name, why your particular choice; if not, have you ever considered it and why?

RP: I write under my real name because it’s unusual enough that I hope people will remember it. It seems like an easy name to pronounce (it’s just like it reads) but people slaughter it all the time. I don’t know if I would ever consider a pseudonym – maybe if I decided to write in a completely different genre and wanted to target a different audience.

R.S.: Are you a pantser (write by the seat of your pants) or are your books first storyboards and then outlines? What is your process?

RP: I am definitely a pantser – I don’t typically know the ending of a novel (or sometimes the middle) before I start. I usually think a few chapters ahead, but part of the fun is seeing where the story will go. Now, in order to write faster, I outline chapters before I write, but it’s all very loose.

R.S.: Is your entire process using a keyboard or do you hand-write during any phase of your creative stages?

RP: I type faster than I can write longhand so I typically type out my stories. However, I do think the mind works differently typing versus longhand, so when I’m thinking through a story or if I’m stuck, I will sometimes jot questions or thoughts on paper in order to spur a different part of my brain into action. Yes, I’d agree with you. I’m sure you love pleasing your fans as much as I do, and the collection we all put forth is a doozy! So we all write for a variety of reasons. How would you prioritize your own reasons for turning to the pen?

R.S.: Are you a big reader? Do you read in your genre, outside it, or both? And why?

RP: I am a huge readers, generally reading over 50 books a year. I have a collection of first editions that take up a lot of space in my house 🙂 but I love it. Seeing all the books feels cozy to me, and it also inspires me. I mostly read mysteries and thrillers, but I also read biographies and other non-fiction, and some horror, and I try to read classics as well. Reading is exploration to me and I love being taken into a different world, or learning new things. I can’t imagine a day without reading.

R.S.: Well, it’s been a great pleasure having this little chat—two Coloradans—and I want you to know that I am honored to have been asked to join “The Crime Collection” box set collaboration.

And for all you readers, check out Renée; she ROCKS!!

Also, here is the author’s website, and also a few social links to find Renée: